Keep your staff healthy and increase productivity with Office Plants

office plants London
It is a well-known fact that productivity is strictly related to health. Recent studies have revealed that office related objects like carpets, paints, office cleaning products, computers and insulation emit almost 300 toxic pollutants. Everyday exposure to these factor can lead to dizziness, respiratory problems, allergic reactions and, in the end, poor productivity caused by these issues. Alongside the air pollution, another factor that is a threat to health is the low humidity.

A surprising help for creating a better environment in offices and corporate buildings comes from office plants, plants which improve the indoor atmosphere and create a cosy working space. Their presence in offices is so beneficial to keep employees healthy and productive, and anyone is aware of this fact.

Among a long list of benefits, office plants are great for :

– Stress reduction

– Oxygen level is increased

– Reduced pollution

– Increase humidity

– Great productivity and concentration improvements

Plant Designs is a London-based company that is truly aware of plants in offices benefits. Creating a positive corporate image and a healthy environment becomes an easy task when plants come into play, and this is exactly what Plant Designs offers.

From design scheme to routine maintenance, they take care of everything. Choosing carefully the plants, the spots where they will be placed, installing them and looking after their health once at two weeks, these steps will definitely insure a growing level of productivity and cleaner working environment. These after-installment routine checks aim to keep the plants healthy and to provide the same amount of fresh air as in the beginning. If a certain plant does not look its best, the Plant Designs team states they will replace it at no extra cost for customers, therefore keeping the indoor environment fresh and healthy.